Deputy City Attorney III or IV Land Use
City of Oakland

The Oakland City Attorney’s Office seeks a well-qualified, motivated attorney with significant land use experience for a Deputy City Attorney III or Deputy City Attorney IV level in the Office’s Advisory Division. The ideal candidate will have substantial California land use experience, either developed in-house (city, county, other governmental organization, or for a private company) or in a law firm with strong municipal land use expertise. The candidate should have knowledge and significant experience, including the ability quickly and effectively to perform at an advanced level, in CEQA/NEPA, the California Planning and Zoning Law and the Subdivision Map Act.  A strong working knowledge of municipal law basics, such as the Brown Act, the Political Reform Act and the Public Records Act is desired.  Expertise in handling land use writs in both trial and appellate courts and suits seeking declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as considerable Planning Commission experience also are desirable.

For more information and a full application, go to: